Happy Birthday, Derek!
We welcomed Dyson to our class this week! All of us in 5D are very excited to have him as a part of our amazing community!
Team Building with 5L... Tarp Flip

Math Games: multiplication War, Salute and Factor Football

Book Club Reading

Can you believe we have completed NINE weeks of school? Time flies! Thank you for the donations for an informal Halloween party! We celebrated late in the day with the delicious treats and a Kahoot!
Here's a little glimpse into our week...
- In math we started unit 3 which is all about multiplying, dividing and problem solving with whole numbers and decimals. The students also had a game day on Monday (which we often do after a unit assessment) and a pre-assessment on Tuesday.
- New book clubs have formed in reading. I have been impressed with all students as readers and book club has really pushed their motivation and love for reading. Two book clubs decided to stay together and read the next book in their series. I've also seen students share and encourage others to try their book for the next club! Some books for this club are Auggie and Me, Max the Mighty, Hatchet, Freak the Mighty, and Wonder.
- We've done a lot of writing focus lessons this week with 5L. Our goals this week are for all students to raise the level of their narrative. We first looked at mentor narratives to get ideas of what writers do to convey their story. Then, Mrs. Loh and I modeled a writing partnership with a conversation about coming up with powerful ideas for personal stories. We asked two extremely important questions... "So what?" and "What is your story really about?" When students can answer those questions, they know they have a powerful idea for their narrative.
- We are through the three worlds in social studies and now beginning our next phase about reasons for exploration and the impact on each world. This unit will culminate with a project where students will showcase what they have learned.
- Words Their Way and Spelling City are in full swing. The students learned how to log on and find their spelling lists. There are a ton of games, practice and resources on the website. On Friday, I had the kids take their first spelling assessment right online. I'm going to have the students write down their color and sort number right in their agenda.
Important dates!
11/2 Early Release: dismissed at 12:50
11/8 No school: Teacher Workshop
11/11 No School: Veterans Day
Questions to Promote School Talk
- What is your narrative really about?
- Tell me about your Flocabulary song.
- How's multiplication going?
- Tell me about the new book your reading for book club.
Have a fantastic weekend!
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