Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Innovation Day 2

Our first Innovation Day was a success!  The students worked extremely hard all day and their effort showed!  Check out the pictures below!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your children.  I, for one, am thankful I have these 21 students in my classroom!

Gobble, gobble!

 Mrs. DeLello

Innovation Day

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Week 12

Wow, what a busy week we have had in 5D!

Here's a little bit of what we did...
  • In math we began division of whole numbers after working with divisibility rules.  
  • In reading and writing, the students looked through many non-fiction books to notice the set up, display and information included.  We then learned how to take notes noticing the topic, sub topic and details as well as boxes and bullets These skills they are learning we be useful from now through college!
  • We are reading aloud Pax as well as a new non-fiction book called When Lunch Fights Back.  Be sure to ask about them!
  • We started a science unit with 5L and 5W all about space.  This unit involves Earth and it's place in the universe, why we have day and night as well as gravitational forces. The students learned hands on each day. Ask them about making a model of the Earth, moon and sun as well as their sundial. 
  • Words Their Way: Students are bringing home their assessment when it's completed.  Based on the last one, I switched up some groups.  Students should be sorting words at home when a sheet is given for homework.
I'm looking forward to Innovation Day on Monday!  Make sure your child has all the things he/she may need for Monday.  I'll be taking a lot of pictures to post on the blog next week!

Non-Fiction Noticings

Hands On Activity:  Why does the sun rise and set?

Some of their initial ideas for Innovation Day!

Homemade sun dial

Refined topics and questions for Innovation Day

Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the Spaghetti Bingo night if you are going! 


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Gems Needed

Happy Sunday!  If you happen to have any gems like these (in any color) that you could donate, we will need them for a holiday project next week.  Thanks in advance!

Also, last call for any glass jar (if you have not already brought one in).  

Enjoy your day!


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Week 11!

Students from 5D, 5L and 5W worked hard all week at creating projects to demonstrate their understanding of our first social studies unit.  Check out some of their projects:

Jack, Gavin and Aiden

Austin, Dylan & Brigham

Jack S, Annabeth, Chloe & Harry

Brielle, Logan, Allison & Noah

Derek, Will, Clare and Camryn

Clare H, Mary Clare, Josh and Luke

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Week Ten is in the Books!

Hello everyone,

Thank you ALL for taking time to come in and talk about your child(ren).  I feel so fortunate for a strong home-school connection and cannot wait to see all the growth this year!

Here are some happenings from our week!

  • In math, we learned about picturing decimal multiplication, estimating, and then the actual algorithm.  We started prodigy math online which has been a huge hit with the kids!
  • In reading, book clubs began comparing their second book with their first.  Mrs. Loh and I modeled this with our two read alouds from the year, The Honest Truth and Pax.
  • In writing, the students drafted their second narrative with a strong lead, transitions, emotion and conclusion.
  • In social studies, the students learned about an Astroblade and then put themselves in an explorer's shoes. In groups, students compared the three worlds.
  • Words Their Way is going smoothly.  New lists went home Monday/Tuesday. Students should be doing 3 activities at home and during morning work each week.  They take their assessment right online every other Friday.
  • On Wednesday, we walked in perfect weather through the trails of SHP with our buddies.  As buddies, we sketched, labeled and wrote science observations!
Book Fair Information:  Please see the attachment


Before I forget!  If your child hasn't brought in a mason jar yet, please have them bring it it soon.  We are doing a project the week of Thanksgiving.  We could also use gem stones if you have them to donate.  They normally come in a bag.  Thanks in advance!

Important dates to remember

  • Tuesday, 11/8 No school: Teacher Workshop
  • Friday, 11/11 No School: Veterans Day
  • Wednesday through Friday 11/23-11/25 Thanksgiving Break

Buddies at work

Some science sketching and notes

Our hike on Tote Road