Friday, August 31, 2018

Week 1: Complete!

Hello 5D families!

What a fabulous first four days we had!  Even with the heat, your children all worked so hard.  I already feel like I'm getting to know them as individuals.  Next week we will continue some team building activities while getting into a bit more of a routine.  Here are some of the things we did this week that you can ask your child about.

  • STEM activities with 5L: Apples A Far, Build a Tower, Apples A Head Relay
  • ZENtangles with 5D, 5L and 5P
  • Bucket Team building with 5L (some got WET!)
  • Team Building Lessons: "What Helps, What Hurts"  "All are Welcome" "What Teamwork Looks Like and Feels Like"
  • COMING SOON! Houses in 5th Grade: Kindness, Strength, Integrity, Courage, Respect 
  • Art activities: Top Ten, Personal Mantras, Personal Posters
  • Room Tour
  • Encore: PE, Library, Music so far
  • Snack (they met Mrs. Lucas at their first snack)
  • Morning Meeting
This year fifth grade will be doing curriculum night a little different! We will be having an open house, which means you and your child are welcome to attend.  Your child will show you around the classroom and show you a few things that are important to them. There will be a curriculum packet available for you to take home and look through.  Please feel free to drop in any time between 6:30 and 7:30 pm on Thursday, September 6th.

Room Parent needed! Any volunteers? I'd be forever grateful and I don't ask for much... :)

Enjoy your long weekend! Here are some pictures from our week. Enjoy!

Until Tuesday....


"Apples A Head" Relay

Working as teams in SILENCE only using non-verbal strategies

Bucket Team Building.... a WET adventure!

 Apples A Far STEM activity

Monday, August 27, 2018

First Day a Success!

Greetings 5D Families,

Wow!  Today flew.... even with the scorching temps.  Your children all did a wonderful job.  Please ask them about our STEM challenge with 5L, PE and an afternoon popsicle treat!  We went over some routines today and will continue to get to know one another and the classroom over the next few weeks!

Day 1: PE
Day 2: Library
Day 3: Music
Day 4: PE
Day 5: Maker Space
Day 6: Art  

5D got the sillies this afternoon!

It's extremely warm so remind your child to bring in a water bottle.  We've asked students to dress comfortably tomorrow since we are doing an activity that will require them on the grass.

Forms and an Artifact Museum assignment came home with your child today.  Make sure to ask them for it!

For now, enjoy the night!

Mrs. DeLello

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Welcome to 5D for the 2018-2019 School Year!

Hello NEW 5D friends and families!

By now your child has received my letter.  I am getting excited to begin yet another 5th grade year at SMS.  It truly is a transformative year for students... just wait and see!  

I've been busy this summer with my two children, extended family and friends.  I hope you've enjoyed plenty of fun and family time these past two months!

Your child has a few things to do before school starts...
the first is a survey, found here survey.

The second thing is to have your child collect pictures of things/people/places/experiences that will be used in an art project.  These pictures will be laminated so make sure you use copies if you want the original back.

For now, ENJOY these last few precious weeks of summer.  I really look forward to seeing you all on Monday, August 27th! 

-Mrs. DeLello