Words cannot do justice to how powerful our day was... but I'll try my best! We started the day walking to the park as a class and then talked as a team about why we as teachers, do days like this with the students. We do it to help them grown cooperatively while living a growth mindset. It's our hope that each and every student will take what they learn from the day of team building back to the classroom and all through life!
Mrs. Bastille and I took a back seat to observe the kids at work. A few times we stopped to have them look critically at how they were communicating and if everyone was taking part. The students reflected, thought carefully and problem solved ways to work better as a unit. The change I personally saw in my group from the first challenge to the last was an incredible one! It gave me joy and some goosebumps (and maybe a tiny tear).
My hope is that each and every child will share with you about the day. Another hope is that this day furthers transforms and strengthens our classroom culture.
Have a wonderful weekend. I'll see you at Family Fun Day! Come down... I'll be volunteering at the games from 5-6:15!

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