Hello 5D families!
What a fabulous first four days we had! Even with the heat, your children all worked so hard. I already feel like I'm getting to know them as individuals. Next week we will continue some team building activities while getting into a bit more of a routine. Here are some of the things we did this week that you can ask your child about.
- STEM activities with 5L: Apples A Far, Build a Tower, Apples A Head Relay
- ZENtangles with 5D, 5L and 5P
- Bucket Team building with 5L (some got WET!)
- Team Building Lessons: "What Helps, What Hurts" "All are Welcome" "What Teamwork Looks Like and Feels Like"
- COMING SOON! Houses in 5th Grade: Kindness, Strength, Integrity, Courage, Respect
- Art activities: Top Ten, Personal Mantras, Personal Posters
- Room Tour
- Encore: PE, Library, Music so far
- Snack (they met Mrs. Lucas at their first snack)
- Morning Meeting
This year fifth grade will be doing curriculum night a little different! We will be having an open house, which means you and your child are welcome to attend. Your child will show you around the classroom and show you a few things that are important to them. There will be a curriculum packet available for you to take home and look through. Please feel free to drop in any time between 6:30 and 7:30 pm on Thursday, September 6th.
Room Parent needed! Any volunteers? I'd be forever grateful and I don't ask for much... :)
Enjoy your long weekend! Here are some pictures from our week. Enjoy!
Until Tuesday....
"Apples A Head" Relay
Working as teams in SILENCE only using non-verbal strategies
Bucket Team Building.... a WET adventure!
Apples A Far STEM activity