Happy Friday to all!
We had a busy, productive week back after vacation. Your children worked hard! I had a blast at the game last night and wished I could have played with each and every one of my students!
- Reviewed multiplication of fraction
- We persevered through tougher word problems
- Assessed on Thursday and Friday
- We started our Argument and Advocacy unit
- Students engaged as active thoughtful citizens to see a claim with reasons and evidence
- As citizens, we suspended our judgement to see two sides to a societal issue
- We formed groups to research topics such as extreme sports, climbing Mt. Everest, orcas in captivity, sharks and outer space versus underwater exploration
- We will debate these issues on Tuesday
- Began our Matter unit with 5L
- Bill Nye taught us about the three states of matter
- Students filtered through centers around matter over two days
- We created Density Towers, explored vocabulary, illustrated terms, used some tech to teach and reflected as scientists
- Please ask your child to show you Classcraft at home! Each student is a character working in a team as part of 5D. I get to be the Gamemaster who shares a Daily event each day. Students are rewarded for positive, expected behavior and points are taken away for negative behavior. Points earned can be redeemed for different powers! We will be doing this throughout the remainder of the year.
Important Dates
- Early Release 3/16
- Teacher Workshop Day 3/17
- Conference forms for April conferences will go home next week
Science Centers

Argument and Advocacy

Have a wonderful weekend! Until Monday....
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