Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week Three

Hello family and friends of 5D!

With week three came more academics and routine and boy, am I tired! The students have all transitioned well to the academics and are ready to be challenged. We are definitely building up stamina to last through the day!

Here are a few happenings from our week!

On Monday all students took a preassement in math which will give me great information about what each and every student needs.

In math, the students experienced what workshop looks like, sounds like and feels like in 5D. We took four days to practice transitions and look closely at expectations and behavior in each center. I'm always at the teacher center where we work in our notebooks to review, learn and challenge ourselves to think more deeply.  Mrs. Bastille runs the game or extra practice center. This week she taught the students a game called "Name That Number". The other center consisted of place value practice in IXL.

In reading we looked at three levels of sticky notes in response to our reading. Students were able to determine what made a meaty, well thought out sticky and then challenged themselves to reach that level. 

Also in reading, I read many books this week to support our Growth Mindset. We have looked at all five stances.


The children joined my Google Classroom to get their first Writing assignment. They could choose from three story starters and just write! This will give me a lot of useful information about what everyone needs to start of a successful writing year!

blogging! I introduced blogging to the class this week as we explored posts from last year. The students discussed what made certain blogs, high quality. They blogged a little bit each day and then we showcased some of the published blogs. I modeled writing a quality comment to the blog. The blog will be used during the year as a creative writing outlet and will be given as homework some weeks. The easiest way to have your child get to the blog is by going to the SMS website and finding Kidblog that is linked to Mrs. DeLello. 

Dot Day! We celebrated with a whole school morning meeting on Friday all about how everyone can leave their mark on this world! This blends beautifully with our growth mindset! 

I'm trying to stay organized and think about the future... For a future project in November, each child will need a glass jar. Could you try to send one in from now until October? I'd save an old pasta jar and remove the label. Have your child write their name on the bottom.

Also if you have any spare Clorox wipes at home to donate, I'd be eternally grateful. I try to keep the desks wiped down and I'm running out of my personal supply.

We got outside and played Cat and Mouse with 5W and 5L

The students practiced Order of Operations with some task cards

I hope you all have a weekend full of fun, family time and relaxation! Until Monday....


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