Friday, February 5, 2016

Week of February 1-5

Hello Families and Friends of 5D,

HAPPY SNOW DAY TO ALL!  Wow, I cannot believe we are almost 100 days into our school year! Time truly flies!  Here's a glimpse into our week packed full of learning.

  • In math we raced through the first four lessons of unit 5 as students already knew how to add and subtract with different denominators.  We should complete this unit before February vacation!
  • In reading, we explored some new non-fiction science books.  To see the excitement in the students' eyes when they explored the new books filled the air with some great energy.  After reading, each table group shared their learning with one another.
  • We put a lot of effort into our research presentations through MixBooks, iMovies, brochures as well as interactive books.  The students can't wait to showcase their work to all of you next Friday, 2/12!
  • The students started the week as scientists performing their own experiments and then writing up a lab report.  I've attached some great pics.  We then switched gears to a quick unit on Design Engineering.  This unit was created by the Dyson Foundation in hopes of sparking students' creativity and curiosity to RE-DESIGN something.  Ask your child all about our very own Shark Tank we will have on the 19th!
  • Spelling City and KidBlog are helping students to practice spelling, learn new vocabulary and write in a variety of ways.  Please make sure your child is logging on throughout the week.  I do let them log on for morning work.

Thanks to everyone who offered to contribute to our Valentine Party on 2/12 from 1:30-2:30.  We are all set now!  Remember, if your child would like to do cards, he/she must include all 22 students.  A list went home on Monday. 

Questions to Promote School Talk...

  1. What is a design engineer?
  2. Who is in your Shark Tank group and what are some ideas you've thought about?
  3. How do you regroup when subtracting mixed numbers?
  4. What was a non-fiction book you read?
I hope you all have a relaxing 3 day weekend filled with lots of family time!  Until Monday...


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