Friday, September 11, 2015

Week Two Recap

Hello Families and Friends of 5D!

I cannot believe this is only the end of week two.  Already I feel like I know all your children so well. They are working incredibly hard each and every day.... and with all this HEAT!  Thank you to Charlie for sharing some delicious popsicles with all of us on Tuesday.  What a treat!

Here is some important information...

Curriculum Night: Curriculum Night will be next Thursday, September 17th from 6:30-7:30.  For the first half hour we will meet in the classroom. For the last half hour, all 5th grade parents will go to the library for further information about fifth grade.

Homework:  You may have noticed I assigned some homework this week.  I will normally assign homework only Monday through Thursday.  As a busy mom of two, I'm thankful to spend every minute of the weekend with my own children.  Each night I will assign reading and math.  About two nights a week I will assign some type of writing.  Homework should take about 50 minutes per night.  If you find it's taking longer, please have your child talk to me first.  We will work together to make a plan.

Agenda:  Each day all students fill in his/her agenda book.  I don't sign these and am not requiring you to sign unless I notice a student is having a hard time getting homework in on time.

To Contact me: The best way is to email me at  You can always call school (772-5413 ext. 166) or include a note in your child's folder.

Supplies (if you have them to donate):  The following is a list of things we could use if you have them to donate.  Tissues, paper towels, spoons, forks, small sandwich bags, hand soap, clothespins.

And finally, if your child is anything like mine, I need prompting questions to get ANY information out of him about school!

Questions To Promote School Talk
  • What was the activity you played at morning meeting this week?
  • How were each of your related arts classes this week? (They finally had Maker Lab and Art.)
  • What kind of writing did you do this week?
  • Tell me more about using the order of operations to answer questions about yourself.
  • Tell me about playing the math games called "24", Factor Football and Salute.
I look forward to seeing all of you at Curriculum Night on the 17th at 6:30 pm!


Mrs. DeLello

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