Happy Friday to all,
We've had a busy week in 5D. Here are some of the wonderful things we did.
Before we start, here are some important events/dates...
We have an early release this Wednesday (dismissal at 12:50)
Early Release on 4/11
TED TALKS 4/17 and 4/18 1:15-2:30 in 5D
April Vacation begins 4/20
Book Clubs came to a close on Friday. All students were engaged each and every day. Many groups celebrated with some delicious treats. Many books have been returned but please ask your child if they may still have any at home. Thanks in advance!
Mantra Posters were created this week and the kids did a phenomenal job!
Check them out below!
Small Groups rapped about different events of the Revolutionary War. They were hysterical and amazing. Students will be putting them on SeeSaw next week!
Have a great weekend!