Friday, March 30, 2018

Week of March 26-30

Happy Friday to all,

We've had a busy week in 5D.  Here are some of the wonderful things we did.

Before we start, here are some important events/dates...

We have an early release this Wednesday (dismissal at 12:50)
Early Release on 4/11
TED TALKS 4/17 and 4/18 1:15-2:30 in 5D
April Vacation begins 4/20

Book Clubs came to a close on Friday.  All students were engaged each and every day.  Many groups celebrated with some delicious treats.  Many books have been returned but please ask your child if they may still have any at home.  Thanks in advance!

Mantra Posters were created this week and the kids did a phenomenal job!

Check them out below!

Small Groups rapped about different events of the Revolutionary War.  They were hysterical and amazing.  Students will be putting them on SeeSaw next week!

Have a great weekend!


Friday, March 23, 2018

Week of March 19-23

Hello 5D Families,

Happy spring!  Another week down and it still looks/feels like winter!  
Here are the happenings from this week...

  • Students learned about area with mixed numbers
  • Problem solving with multiplication of fractions
  • Found missing side lengths with rectangles given one side length and the area
  • Taught or reflected on SeeSaw
  • Learned from EdPuzzle and each other!
  • Reviewed concepts on Friday to solidify understanding
  • Book clubs are going strong this week and will end next
  • With argument writing, students learned how to cite from sources while sounding professional
  • Looked at layers of a cake to layer evidence with our own thinking and emotions
  • Attacked counterclaims head on
  • Watched Ted Talks to get a better vision of the Ted Talks in April
  • Studied the pattern of the sun over the course of the year
  • Discovered different constellations come out in different months
  • Looked at the phases of the moon
  • Talked about eclipses
Social Studies
  • Began the Revolutionary War
  • Quick look at French and Indian War
  • Through music, students are learning the events of the war (Ask about Mr. Bett's song)
  • Our interactive read aloud is amazing!!!  Please ask your child
  • Students were taxed unfairly by King Dels and King Loh... oh, the outrage! :)
Early Releases on 4/4 and 4/11 for spring conferences.  Dismissal at 12:50.
Find the sign up link below.

Enjoy your weekend!


Friday, March 16, 2018

Week of March 12-16

Hello all,

Well, I'm hopeful Mother Nature is done messing with us and will send spring our way, and SOON!

I couldn't believe the amount of snow we got this week, adding onto last week.  Students are working hard in all facets of our day.  This is the point of year where we all know each other so well and truly have pure enjoyment in all we do!

  • Students learned all about multiplying fractions
  • Some have grasped the concept of cross reducing to simplify the problem
  • Students visually showed fractions by fractions
  • We have multiplied mixed numbers, proper fraction as well as whole numbers
  • Students are completely immersed in book clubs
  • Clubs met Monday and Thursday to talk about topics surrounding characters, problems, predictions etc
  • Many clubs brought in snacks and drinks just like adult book clubs
  • We organized our reasons/evidence for our argument onto a graphic organizer
  • Students flash drafted their reasons/evidence for their argument
  • 5D and 5L demonstrated many ways to begin your Ted Talk and then students drafted strong leads
  • Arguments will turn into Ted Talks in April for parents to come in and watch
  • We completed our Earth's Systems unit
  • Students worked in teams of two to create a water filter to filter gray water
  • Ask students all about what gray water is and what they used in their filter system
  • Students are really thinking like informed, caring citizens
  • Water shortage is truly a world crisis!  Kids' eyes are open!

Christine Hertz, co author of The Mindset for Learning recently visited SMS and worked with my team all about student self talk and the importance of learning from failure.  In her talk, she shared that students who are not allowed to struggle and fail were not able to cope when they went away to college.  They had no idea how to learn from failure and improve.  It's SO HARD to watch your child fail, but as parents, we MUST!

We learned about a protocol about self talk.  Mrs. Loh and I utilized this protocol with the students right away.  Ask your child about the matras we created!
Enjoy pics from our Water Filter Performance Task!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Week of March 5-9

Hello 5D Friends and Family!

Well, we had our first week back after break (minus one snow day) and the students got right back into the swing of things!  I'm noticing more independence and self reliance now, which is great!

Here's what our week entailed...


  • Took a pre-assessment for multiplying fractions
  • Estimated fraction multiplication
  • Use manipulatives to see fractions of a group
  • Continued research their passion project
  • Organized claim, reasons and evidence on a graphic organizer
  • Became members of book clubs to return to fiction reading
  • Students visited Mrs. Leighton (in for Mrs. Wentworth) to learn about Global Warming
  • Mrs. Pinsonnault taught them about oil spills
  • Mrs. Craig introduced them to water filtration
No school next Tuesday for Teacher Workshop Day!